stellenbosch night shelter
- Aiding Stellenbosch's most needy since 1991 -

To maintain on an ongoing basis an adult Shelter for 75 able bodied people 365 days of the year providing safety, a bed for the night, ablution facilities, 2 meals and access to social work services on a temporary basis. To provide the opportunity for self improvement to assist our clients where possible re-enter mainstream society. To provide these services in a compassionate and structured manner.

Vagrancy is a huge social problem, in Stellenbosch as elsewhere. When confronted by the homeless who beg for money people often experience conflicting emotions. Many kind-hearted individuals want to help but don’t know how. A good way of making a difference is to give the homeless person the opportunity to stay at the Stellenbosch Night Shelter.
The Shelter opened its doors on 17 October 1991 and since then has provided temporary overnight accommodation with ablution facilities 365 days of the year for 30 men and 12 women. On 17 September 2007 we opened our Second Shelter called the Annex where people do not need to be sober. Here we make provision for 33 people. It is run exactly the same as the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. Besides accommodation and ablution facilities, clients receive two meals per day and access to social work services.
In addition, various training programmes for skills such as gardening and cleaning, and talks on how to get and keep a job are offered to enable the homeless person to function independently in the community.
These actions as well as the compulsory admission fee are designed to help people take responsibility for themselves. The Shelter is not a permanent home or cheap boarding house but aims to be a conduit to a better life.
We continually strive to achieve our goals but it should be recognised that we are engaged in a compassionate service to our fellow man.
The first and most essential service our Night Shelter provides is to provide our clients with overnight facilities, nutritious meals, clean clothes, bathrooms and amenities to wash their clothes. We also facilitate basic medical and social services. Providing basic amenities, combined with life skills training, helps our clients make their own decisions and take responsibility for themselves.
Haweloosheid is 'n groot sosiale probleem op Stellenbosch, net soos elders. As mense gekonfronteer word met haweloses wat geld vra, beleef hulle dikwels teenstrydige emosies. Baie goedhartige individue wil help, maar weet nie hoe nie. 'n Goeie manier om 'n verskil te maak, is om die haweloses die geleentheid te gee om by die Stellenbosch Nagskuiling te bly.
Die Skuiling het op 17 Oktober 1991 sy deure geopen en sedertdien 365 dae van die jaar tydelike oornagverblyf met ablusiegeriewe vir 30 mans en 12 vroue voorsien. Inwoners kry ook twee maaltye per dag en toegang tot maatskaplike werk dienste.
Daarbenewens word verskillende opleidingsprogramme vir vaardighede soos tuinmaak en skoonmaak, en praatjies oor hoe om werk te kry en te behou aangebied om die hawelose persone in staat te stel om onafhanklik in die gemeenskap te funksioneer. Hierdie aksies sowel as die verpligte toegangsfooi is bedoel om mense te help om verantwoordelikheid vir hulself te neem. Die Skuilings is nie 'n permanente huis of goedkoop losieshuis nie, maar tussengang na iets beters.
Die Nagskuiling streef voortdurend daarna om hul doelwitte te bereik, maar besef dat dit slegs 'n deernisvolle diens aan ons medemens is. Elke persoon is iemand se kind, broer, oom, tante, suster, vader, moeder of vriend.