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We make provision for 30 men and 12 women at the Stellenbosch Night Shelter. Clients must be sober.  We make provision for 33 people at the Annex and clients do not need to be sober.  

People are admitted between 17:30 and 18:30. They must be sober and in possession of an ID document and must pay an admission fee of R8 or R13 if they have a job or a grant. New clients have to undergo a screening process prior to admission. No bookings are accepted and everyone is treated exactly the same. 

Paying admission is part of the rehabilitation process and helps people to accept responsibility for themselves. Those seeking admission to the Shelter must be drug free and prepared to obey the rules of the Shelter. These rules include consideration of fellow residents and being prepared to help clean the Shelter. The rules also ensure that all residents are treated the same.  


Members of the community are urged not to give beggars money – rather give them a ticket to the Shelter. These can be bought at the Shelter and at outlets below.  Alternatively, a note giving contact details and requesting that we admit a specific individual for the night will also be accepted. The entrance fee will then be collected from the person whose details are on the note. Instead of writing a note you can phone the Shelter. 

Die doel van die reëls van die Stellenbosch Nagskuiling is om die goeie bestuur van die skuiling tot voordeel van beide ons personeellede en ons kliënte te verseker. Ons reëls vereis dat ons kliënte hul medemens in ag neem en dat hulle bereid moet wees om die Nagskuiling skoon en netjies te help hou. Die reëls verseker dat almal dieselfde behandel word.


Stellenbosch Night Shelter

3 Tennant Street, 





Stellenbosch Night Shelter

ABSA Current Account 

Account number: 1060131020

Branch code: 632005



Non-Profit Organisation: 004-737 NPO

SARS: Exemption from Taxes and Duties: Approved in terms of Section 18a: PBO 18 11 13 2084

Stellenbosch night shelter

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